About Me

Hi everyone!

My name is Perry and I am learning and exploring different aspects of DMing.

Here is a little about me; I am 25 years old and a writer by trade. I live with my amazing boyfriend, Colin, who helps me out a lot with critiquing my work before I post.


I also live with two cats known lovingly as the Idiot Jengo and the Asshole Attention Whore Jasper.  New to our family is Lana our mutt also known as the Kitty Police.  I spend a lot of my time with my pets and usually they are the biggest distractions in my life.

Jasper, Jengo and Lana

I currently run two DnD campaigns that live and breathe in the same universe. The Bouncy House Brawlers are friends from work and the Prison Gang are friends from college. Colin takes part in both groups as Tho and Crew.

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