It is high time I posted about this finished piece. This is by far the biggest project which I worked on. You can see some progress shots here from back in August and here mid-September. I just keep finding myself opening this and working on it now and then.
Category: Maps
Temple of Ulaa
The temple of Ulaa was once a great temple carved deep into the Graytop Mountains. The temple remains abandoned after being besieged by some force, some force willing to torture at least one man.
Now, occupied by very dirty Goblins who don’t respect Ulaa, the temple has fallen into disrepair.
The Pleasant Tome
The Pleasant Tome is a small bookseller in Haling Cove. The shop itself is a part of merchant’s row.
Run an owned by an older Halfling named Bartholomew the Pleasant Tome is much more than it appears on the outside.
Estryae Map Progress Continues
I’ve continued working on my massive overland map project, Estryae. See the previous progress post here.
The City of MaidBow
Let me introduce the vibrant city of Maidbow. This map was created entirely in Photoshop.
Maidbow, the seat of master craftsman in Estryae, is one of the wealthiest cities in the land. The Moss Mountains are rich in gems, precious metals and rare plants. The mountains are heated from within by hot springs creating a tropical climate within the valley. The valley, which shares the name of the city, is draped with verdant forests and the mountains blanketed with a thick moss only found in this area. Legends say the great fire demon Preimor’s heart, ripped from the beasts chest by the great Maiden was so powerful that it still heats the springs.
Haling Cove Progress
My dear adventurers recently entered the largest city in all of Estryae, Haling Cove. Haling cove is a bustling trade hub for much of the land. Here is the mostly finished map. A couple of temples need to be filled in and the river names should be placed before I consider this finished.
Estryae Map Progress
I recently began 2 Dnd 5e campaigns which take place in the same universe of Estryae. I wanted to create a diverse overland map to help situate my players and help build the story I was beginning to create.
To begin with I hand drafted a map with pencil and photographed that map. I made some minor edits to the brightness and contrast to make the lines easier for me to see. Continue reading Estryae Map Progress